This one is very common and is used to state that the vaccines do not work or that the vaccinated are suffering from Antibody Dependent Enhancement (the vaccine derived antibodies assist the virus as opposed to supressing it). This may sond convincing at first but it is absurdly dumb once you think about it. I will give you an example, what if I told you that only 1 in 20 car crash deaths are caused by drunk drivers and 19 out of 20 are caused by sober drivers, would your conclusion be that driving drunk is safer than driving sober?! Probably not but I just used the same logic! This one simply relies on what is called the Base Rate Fallacy, it means running statistics without adjusting between the relative sizes of the 2 groups. To get an apples to apples comparison statistics should always be expressed per capita. If group A is 10 times larger than group B, the value of group B needs to multiplied by 10 else the result is essentially meaningless.