A large study of adverse events in Israel found no increased risk of clotting (events classified as pulmonary embolism, deep-vein thrombosis or other thrombosis) following Pfizer mRNA vaccination. More cases occurred in the control group compared to the vaccinated group in all 3 of these event categories (see Table 2).
"the BNT162b2 vaccine was not associated with an elevated risk of most of the adverse events examined. The vaccine was associated with an excess risk of myocarditis (1 to 5 events per 100,000 persons). The risk of this potentially serious adverse event and of many other serious adverse events was substantially increased after SARS-CoV-2 infection."
https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa2110475 (2021-09-16)
"High relative incidence of vascular events soon after COVID-19 diagnosis declines more rapidly for arterial thromboses than VTEs (Venous Thrombotic Diseases). However, incidence remains elevated up to 49 weeks after COVID-19 diagnosis. These results support policies to prevent severe COVID-19 by means of COVID-19 vaccines, early review after discharge, risk factor control, and use of secondary preventive agents in high-risk patients."
https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.060785 (2022-09-20)
"The findings of this study suggest that covid-19 is a risk factor for deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and bleeding. These results could impact recommendations on diagnostic and prophylactic strategies against venous thromboembolism after covid-19."
https://www.bmj.com/content/377/bmj-2021-069590 (2022-04-06)
"Elevated levels of a blood clotting factor linked to worse outcomes in severe COVID-19"
https://hms.harvard.edu/news/covid-19-blood-clots (2020-09-09)
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ajh.25979 (2020-08-24)
David Dorward, a consultant pathologist and senior clinical lecturer at the University of Edinburgh said to AFP: "A blood clot from a patient who had clots caused by Covid infection when compared to blood clots formed following prolonged bed rest after a major operation would look pretty much identical."
https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32JG7UE (2022-09-22)
Monica Torres of NXT Generation Mortuary Support said to AFP: "The blood clots are from refrigeration... It's just that there were so many bodies to process, many of them sat in refrigeration for long durations so they got blood clots."
https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32JG7UE (2022-09-19)
Marie-Antoinette Sevestre-Pietri, president of the French Society of Vascular Medicine, said to AFP: "We cannot draw any conclusion from these images. It may be anything"
https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32JG7UE (2022-09-19)
The embalmers perceiption of an increase may be genuine, but is probably driven by the Frequency Illusion (Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon), where the increased awareness of something creates the illusion that it is happening more often, and...
Marie-Antoinette Sevestre-Pietri, president of the French Society of Vascular Medicine, said to AFP that "removing tissue of the size seen in the video would require opening the vessels widely -- a practice that would be unusual for embalming."
https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32JG7UE (2022-09-19)
That the elmbalmers could find and remove such large clots suggests that they are acting outside the normal bounds of their practice. "You do not lacerate the bodies entrusted to you", said Professor Sevestre-Pietri to AFP.
https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32JG7UE (2022-09-19)
Irene Sansano, an Anatomical Pathologist with Vall d'Hebron University Hospital said to HealthFeedback.org: "Thromboembolisms (circulating blood clots) are frequent, and their primary causes are obesity, sedentarism, smoking, and now COVID-19. At the hospital, we regularly conduct autopsies for blood clots and they don’t look different [from the ones found by Hirschman], although I haven’t analyzed them."
https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/mike-adams-flawed-analysis-clot-embalmer-richard-hirschman-doesnt-demonstrate-link-between-blood-clots-and-covid-19-vaccines-epoch-times/ (2022-09-12)
Nikolaus Klupp, Associate Professor of Forensic Medicine at the Medical University of Vienna said to HealthFeedback.org: "The images look to me more like postmortem clots, mainly due to the color, the shape, and particularly because of the amount. Vital clots (clots that formed in a living person), for example in the context of disseminated intravascular coagulation are strongly attached to the vessel wall and are difficult to detach, in our experience."
https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/mike-adams-flawed-analysis-clot-embalmer-richard-hirschman-doesnt-demonstrate-link-between-blood-clots-and-covid-19-vaccines-epoch-times/ (2022-09-12)
Video rebuttal by Dr. Eric B.: